Vacuum distillation systems
Ecological concept of water lifecycle in industry
Water in industry ?
- Like technological medium ( cleaning, cooling, process water)
- Like wapor source ( in heat transfer, steam generators and turbines …)
- Important cooling element in big energy plants ( het based, termonuclear , combined cycle and other)
Water pre-treatment ( filtering, softening and ion changing) producing big amont of water soluble waste like NaCl. Ion changers splashing chemicals … All these components are polluting water..
Let us introduce new developed wastewater treatment system for newe age of energy crisis:
Our last developed system solved wastewater treatment in connection with heat recovery from wastewater treatment process for technology and buildings heating.
Wastewater is reduced to 1/10 amount , water consumption is reduced to 10% of original . It is an extrem ecological and ecomomical benefit too